Portal to Destiny

This is a 45 foot art installation I created with Life Path Unlimited for their amazing week long event, Destiny ONE, in Costa Rica.

It's design shifts attendees, with ease and beauty, from the Outer World into the Inner World, as they pass through universes of light, sound and aromatherapy they enter the inner sanctum of the event's heart and soul. LPU held true vision and captured the needs of those in attendance beyond the expected, truly transformative for all that attended.

Out of Doors..

Lasers in nature are always astoundingly magical! This unfolding trilogy of spirals coiled and recoiled spontaneously on a full moon night. The only way this was possible to see clearly is that the hill being projected onto was dark to the moon's light. This was projected roadside out of the back of an x-terra, I know.

I hope to inspire you too, to what is possible! Creating beauty in Light is my passion! If I may help to bring this magic to your life, home, event, we are excitedly awaiting your call to co create sacred moments of bliss with and for you.

Emerald City!

To see the wonderful Wizard of OZ, Patrick Flanagan!

Shiva-Nova leading the way down the dusty roads to Black Rock City, Nowhere, NV. She was designed and built by Laserandy (Randy Johnson) for Patrick Flanagan's Emerald City. Held deep within a pressurized heppa filter air system which kept her delicate optics pristine, was an amazing full color white-light laser ready to take on Burningman's harsh environs...and they were! I drove the supply truck, the necessary support for her and for him. Followed by a tanker of Palomar Mountain Spring water, being water cooled, this kept her happy for the night full of playful hours!

It was the first night we arrived, probably Wednesday, before the throngs of arrivals, we fired her up and on the nearly white playa she beamed her colors across the open playa for what seemed to be, the infinite. I rode my bike out as far as I could and as the distance diffused her crisp lines I rode fast along the information super highway where information is carried in patterns of light --flashing colors pass me by. The images that appeared that night of drivable art with large disc ed mirrors reflecting her myriad of bright light color. People sitting in clutches watching the color fly over head, praying as if in a cathedral of their knowing. Mesmerized techies throng to her little black window where magic emerged. Randy's creative and complex instrument of Light emblazoned on my soul. Breathtaking precious moments fleeting...

Laser Light Portraits

My Journey in Light begins...

Laser light changed my life when I met Randy Johnson (Laserandy) in 2000 at his LaserLab in Escondido, Ca. Many magical things happened that day. A collaboration spontaneously ignited beauty, Spirit and exploration between us. It was an awakening to the home coming that laser light is when experienced in it's highest form. Randy's expression in Light is a Divinely channelled artistry, unique to this world. I witnessed magnificent recursive geometric forms, highly saturated color and energy filled (living) Light. I was immersed in rooms of dancing Light. I received many messages from higher source through the Light that day and my own channel opened to begin expressing it's beauty. I began, in collaboration with Randy, gently guiding individuals into meditative experiences, whereby the energies could be absorbed into their beings and laser light portraiture's were produced from them. The photographs that followed revealed unseen and mysterious aspects of ourselves, the Light was revealing.